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Tech Solutions

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I L T A W H I T E P A P E R | T E C H S O L U T I O N S 6 and Intune has now been enhanced to provide similar functionality. Intune can now provide not only MSI and Store-based applications, but also a more traditional media-based installation through the "Win32" app type. This method mirrors the application model in ConfigMgr, including features like custom return code handling and detection methods. Unlike the ConfigMgr method however, the actual content for the application is uploaded to the Microsoft Content Delivery Network (CDN) and delivered directly from the cloud instead of an on-prem or Azure hosted distribution server. This in turn means that Microsoft Connected Cache can be used to provide distribution for high density client sites. In addition to these app types, Intune also provides special methods for deploying and maintaining core Microsoft apps; specifically, Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus and the new Microsoft Edge browser. As both are built on the servicing model, you simply select which servicing channel you want for the client and it installs directly from the CDN with subsequent app updates maintained automatically. In the case of Office, you configure the app based on the Configuration Designer, selecting the architecture, which apps in the suite to install, etc. Securing and Updating Windows Windows 10 is designed to be a secure platform, and Microsoft Endpoint Manager has numerous options for ensuring the client environment is secure. In addition to the Endpoint Protection policy in Intune, Microsoft now publishes a Security Baseline for Windows to make securing the environment easier. Whereas in the past these Security Baselines were published as ADMX templates for import into Group Policy, the baselines are now also published directly into Intune for easy deployment. These baselines contain a preset collection of configurations designed to provide a more secure profile rather than a blank set of policy options, and these baselines can be modified after initial testing should any of the settings conflict with required apps or configurations on end user systems. The Windows 10 servicing model has allowed for some greater flexibility in managing updates for endpoints. Whether it be monthly cumulative Quality Updates or semi-annual Feature Updates, new policy options provide a means of controlling which systems are updated and when without the need to host and distribute massive data payloads. Both ConfigMgr and Intune help configure and manage Windows Update for Business policies which provide a method Figure 1 Breakdown of the Win32 app model in Intune

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