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I L T A W H I T E P A P E R | I N F O R M A T I O N G O V E R N E N C E 49 We often hear about certifications in terms of ISO 27001, NIST and other organizational level certifications. Firm-level certifications help to ease answering security and compliance surveys and the like, but they do not necessarily reflect the knowledge of the people at the firm. Technolo professionals hold an average of about three certifications each, and about 64% of them are either presently preparing for a certification or plan to in the next year. But it's more than just technolo professionals. Recent privacy legislation is leading attorneys to pursue Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) status. Deciding to get a professional certification is one thing. Selecting the right certification is another. Certifications can be expensive. They typically cost several hundred dollars, and are a huge investment in your time and ener to prepare for and take the test. You need to consider which certification makes sense for you, not only for the job you have, but also for the job you aspire to. So how do you go about choosing the right one? • Use your network. Check out the profiles of people in your company, or in your industry, and see what certifications those people hold. Can the skills associated with earning that certification be beneficial to you? • Look for a new job. Well, maybe not really, but check out various job postings for the type of role you have, or the role you aspire to. Do those job postings list a common certification? Is that certification something that's a good fit? • Ask yourself what you want out of it. Is it a promotion? A higher salary? Viable skills? Knowing what you hope to achieve can help guide your decision. • Make sure it holds your interest. Does reading the description make you want to take a nap? If so, then maybe it's not the right certification. If you're going to invest the time, it should be in something that can keep you engaged in learning. • Think about staying power. Some of my older certifications (GroupWise or DOCSOpen, anyone?) aren't valuable anymore, although what I learned while preparing for those certifications still informs my job. Most organizations keep their certification name, but change their certification body of knowledge (BoK) requirements and their exam questions and format to keep up with changing technolo. Microsoft releases new certifications and retires certifications on a regular basis in order to ensure that Microsoft certified professionals reflect their knowledge in the latest technologies. Consider whether the certification you're considering can translate to newer skillsets and certifications as they come along. The chart that accompanies this article lists the details on some of the more common certifications you'll find held by your information governance (IG) and compliance peers, but it's by no means exhaustive. If you're an IG professional, you might consider one of these, depending on your role: • IGP – The Information Governance Professional (IGP) credential demonstrates you have the strategic perspective and knowledge to assist your organization in maximizing information value while reducing costs and mitigating risks associated with information assets. • CRM - The Certified Records Manager (CRM) credential demonstrates a strong foundation of core skills and competencies for the RIM professional. • CIP - The Certified Information Professional (CIP) certification is a recognized credential of those who understand not just the information management technologies but how to best optimize their value to achieve business goals. • CEDS - The Certified eDiscovery Specialist (CEDS) credential demonstrates diverse skills and knowledge across the e-discovery spectrum • CIPP - The Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) credential tests your A R E Y O U C E R T I F I A B L E ?

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