publication of the International Legal Technology Association
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I L T A W H I T E P A P E R | L I T I G A T I O N A N D P R A C T I C E S U P P O R T 11 TED talks on Conveying the Value of Litigation Support A significant challenge in litigation support is presenting information and options to our case teams and clients in a way that conveys value for this significant business decision. The Litigation and Practice Support Content Team is presenting three TED talks to share points of view on this topic. We are pleased to offer perspectives from a litigation support professional; legal project manager and a legal/operational strategist. Regardless of the scope of your role in the legal profession, we are confident that this event will be relevant, timely and meaningful to you. We are pleased to present information about our speakers for the TED talks – a new delivery format to ILTA. Richard Lourens is an Analyst with Bayer U.S. and has law firm experience as a Senior Litigation Support Analyst. The focus of Richards TED talk will be what and how litigation support can convey value to clients with specific best practices, lessons learned and examples to illustrate his successes. Mike Tilley is the Manager of Client Value Initiatives at Honigman LLP. He approaches our topic from the Legal Project Management point of view and will convey the legal project management processes and workflows you can leverage to have successful discussions about litigation support project with attorneys and clients. Mary Mack is the CEO of the Association of Certified Electronic Discovery Specialists (ACEDS) is a leading light of litigation support. She has extensive experience in building both service provider offerings and service providers as well as directing efforts in offering strategic and practical advice to clients. Consequently, Mary will address strategic topics in her TED talk to illustrate the role litigation support plays in mitigating risk and supporting attorneys in fulfilling their fiduciary duties to clients. She also has ideas and recommendations for litigation support having a place in business development and how to be strategic in seeking repeat business with our attorney customers and their clients. As someone with a deep understanding of the IT role in litigation support, she will also address training and documentation policies that can support communicating the value proposition of litigation support. We are looking forward to presenting the TED talk downloads to you by the end of September. ILTA Cindy MacBean Litigation Support Manager Honigman LLP C O M I N G S O O N ! !