Peer to Peer Magazine

Fall 2018

The quarterly publication of the International Legal Technology Association

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P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | F A L L 2 0 1 8 57 Building the Bridge: A Foundation for Success Once you have identified your data silos, centralized your contact data and analyzed your reporting needs, you can begin building out a high-functioning, robust CRM. Start with a meeting of your key stakeholders. These individuals have already been asked to assemble their data resources and have an idea of the scope of the project. Additional factors for success include: • Speak the Language: To appeal to each member of your planning group, you will want to understand each group's personality and tendencies. For instance, when working with the IT department, you will need a detailed project plan and timeline to assure they provide you with adequate resources in a timely manner. • Define Value: Let's face it, what's valuable to Marketing (in terms of saving time and creating efficiencies) is not what will drive lawyer adoption of your proposed integration plan. You must be able to articulate the value to your lawyers. Meet with several practice area representatives to better understand what is missing for them. Remember, if you want someone to act on information, you need to provide them with accurate reporting. As we know, lawyers will quickly discount poor data or incomplete reports. Begin by asking, "What should our CRM system provide you? What would make your job easier?" • Have a Written Plan: You're almost there. You have all the necessary building blocks to create a dynamic CRM platform that integrates your data silos and provides your lawyers with actionable information. A written plan can take many forms and should include the following sections: Strategic Overview: The needs assessment interviews with your lawyers have provided you with great data to define the strategic needs of your bridge. Unmet needs will also define the objectives and goals for the plan. Restating the feedback in a positive outcome will provide you with your objectives for your bridge. You may find it is easier to write this statement last (after you've completed the other sections of the plan). Key Messaging: By now you may realize that your stakeholder groups have very different needs. Breaking out those needs and including a section for each group acknowledging their respective needs and goals will assure them that they have been heard and will be included in the final plan. Timeline: A realistic timeline over delivers and under promises. Working with IT to develop a written timeline in the form of a project plan will guarantee everyone knows their roles and is aware of the deadlines. IT will also appreciate a linear approach to the project. ROI Evaluation: At the very beginning we mentioned that not all integrations should move forward. Part of the evaluation process and written plan is to quantify the value received from the integration. ROI will take many forms depending on the data being integrated. Building the Next Bridge When smart marketers build beneficial CRM bridges, it places the firm on more solid footing for technolo success. The next step is to deal with the change management challenges that follow, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it… ILTA When smart marketers build beneficial CRM bridges, it places the firm on more solid footing for technolo success.

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