Peer to Peer Magazine

Fall 2018

The quarterly publication of the International Legal Technology Association

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C A S E S T U D 18 20 Growing an Innovative Culture 22 Enterprise Collaboration Is Coming To a Law Firm Near You. Are You Ready? 25 How To Be a Winner In The Document Co-Authoring Arena B Y F R A N K R A D E C K J R . Innovation doesn't happen overnight; firms and teams must come together to build an implementation strate that allows culture to thrive. If innovation is giving room to bloom, uncertainty falls to the wayside and new initiatives can to long-term successes. B Y M I C H E L E C . S . L A N G E , E S Q Collaboration means more than a conference call: the rise of digital technolo allows employees the flexibility to interact from anywhere. This article details how firms worldwide could collaborate, innovate, and grow. B Y A N G U S B R A D L E Y How many co-authors does it take to change a lightbulb? Collaboration sometimes leads to versioning problems and emails can often be slow: let's help you to find the best co-authoring solution for your firm!

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