Peer to Peer Magazine

Fall 2018

The quarterly publication of the International Legal Technology Association

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14 the advancement of new technolo and even business practices such as alternative fee arrangements; outside counsel are wise to embrace these changes simply to stay competitive. Today, much of the discussion involving innovation centers on improving practice and business operations through AI, data analytics or automation. While there are different models for pursuing these solutions, like most initiatives, innovation efforts require a process, a budget and clear accountability. Getting started Law firms approach innovation in a variety of ways. Many firms rely on organic change, where a problem or opportunity is identified, typically by attorneys, their staff or other firm employees directly impacted by the challenge they feel needs to be addressed. Appropriate resources are then dedicated to developing or purchasing and implementing a solution. While that scenario may seem simple, things can become tricky when put into practice. For any given initiative, common questions arise: Who is managing the project? Who has a voice in determining the needs and wants included in the solution? Who makes final decisions about those priorities? Whose budget is funding the project? Who is accountable for its success? Some firms employ a model made popular by Google, where employees are encouraged to devote time to brainstorming new and better ways to do things or at least are not discouraged from doing so. By promoting this culture of innovation, ideas are generated from within the organization, and overall people are less I nnovation is a trending buzzword in many industries today. As the world continues to get smaller and technolo continues to promote new, simpler and more efficient ways of doing things, organizations serving any number of markets understand that staying competitive requires the delivery of their products and services in new and creative ways. There is a direct link between innovation and technolo, of course. By its nature as a scientific or industrial process or invention, technolo affects change. By definition, "to innovate" is to introduce something new or to make changes in anything established. But innovation does not require technolo. The world has seen plenty of change that isn't remotely technical, but rather based on new ideas or behavioral models. For example, a century ago, the demographics of law firms were different from what they are today, and the advancement of diverse leaders was once a change from what had previously been established. In the legal world, however, the discussion around innovation generally does involve some focus on technolo. Those who have been in the legal technolo space for any period of time have witnessed tremendous changes both in how law firms operate from a business standpoint as well as how they practice law. Some of that change has been born out of necessity. As traditional tools and processes have grown outdated, firms have been forced to adopt modern systems and methods to perform the same function. Other changes have occurred after requests from firm clients. In many cases, corporate in-house counsel have driven Leadership and a Strate B E S T P R A C T I C E S B Y A R U P D A S Your Keys to Creating an Innovation Program The world has seen plenty of change that isn't remotely technical, but rather based on new ideas or behavioral models.

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