Digital White Papers

November 2015: Business and Financial Management

publication of the International Legal Technology Association

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ILTA WHITE PAPER: NOVEMBER 2015 WWW.ILTANET.ORG 22 About the Author Terry Coan is a senior director for HBR Consulting and leads the firm's information governance and business inception practice. In his engagements with over 30 Am Law 200 firms, Terry has developed information governance programs, conducted assessments of existing programs against professionally accepted practices and designed and implemented technologies to improve business processes. Contact him at Clear These Hurdles and Transform New Business Intake It's no secret that clients value cost-consciousness almost as much as they value quality legal services. As general counsel become more focused on value and outcomes, a growing number of law firms are exploring ways to improve how they deliver legal services. To some extent, firms are already applying process optimization principles to increase efficiencies and better align their back- office processes to deliver increased profitability.

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