Peer to Peer Magazine

Winter 2014

The quarterly publication of the International Legal Technology Association

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PEER TO PEER: THE QUARTERLY MAGA ZINE OF ILTA 26 Whatcha Readin'? The ILTA community is filled with avid readers, and here are some of their recent recommendations. I am a big fan of most anything written by Gladwell. What is interesting about this book is it's a series of different case studies from all different cultures and periods in history. The author explores what sets the world's best and brightest apart from the pack. Deb Dobson Fisher & Phillips LLP Angwin, a reporter from The Wall Street Journal, discusses privacy on a very personal level. The author gives readers an insider's view into who's watching us, what they know and why it matters. A particularly interesting point was that we should stop encrypting email — it is a red flag! Pick up this book, even if you're not in the security space. Timothy Hooks American Municipal Power, Inc. This is the best book I've read in a long time. It is about "less but better." It doesn't eschew efficiency, but emphasizes that you must first decide what to do (eliminating many possible things) before you do those things efficiently. The author notes that "efficiency" is doing things right, "effectiveness" is doing the right things. The book focuses on weeding out the "trivial many" things you could do to focus your energy on the "vital few" things that you should do. It wraps up three of my favorite principles — simplicity, focus and minimalism — into one concept. It's a very well-written quick read. It's such a good book that after describing it to my boss, he invited me to do a presentation about it for senior administration at the firm. Patrick DiDomenico Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. ESSENTIALISM: THE DISCIPLINED PURSUIT OF LESS by Greg McKeown OUTLIERS: THE STORY OF SUCCESS by Malcolm Gladwell DRAGNET NATION by Julia Angwin SAVE THE DATE YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE ILTA LEGALSEC SUMMIT ILTA LEGALSEC SUMMIT Baltimore, MD Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel June 8-9 Monday and Tuesday

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