
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1264976

Contents of this Issue


Page 52 of 52

Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg At the core of Smarter Faster Better are eight key productivity concepts—from motivation and goal setting to focus and decision making—that explain why some people and companies get so much done. Drawing on the latest findings in neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral economics— as well as the experiences of CEOs, educational reformers, four-star generals, FBI agents, airplane pilots, and Broadway songwriters—this painstakingly researched book explains that the most productive people, companies, and organizations don't merely act differently. They view the world, and their choices, in profoundly different ways. Look for upcoming announcements for the day and time of our summer Leadership Book club meeting. All members of the ILTA community are encouraged to read, learn and join in the conversation. L E A D E R S H I P B O O K C L U B : S U M M E R R E A D ILTA's Leadership Book Club tallied your survey responses and the book with the highest number of votes is . . . 53 I L T A N E T . O R G

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