Digital White Papers


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MARKETING TECHNOLOGY WWW.ILTANET.ORG | ILTA WHITE PAPER Strategic Experience Management and Proposal Best Practices Strategic Experience Management and Proposal Best Practices Amid a changing industry landscape and shiing client demand, the way law firms approach experience management is changing as well. Firms recognize the need to leverage all of their information to serve clients effectively. While tracking experience is not a new concept, modern tools make firm data come alive. Today's experience management systems overcome the limitations of traditional marketing technologies and blur the lines between firm departments to enable an unprecedented level of collaboration. It is vital that Marketing Technologists understand both the tactical and strategic value of these tools for greater efficiency, data-driven planning, and enhanced client service. The following articles reveal a myriad of ways firms can leverage experience data strategically. Cindy Thurston Bare relates the value of capturing robust client data to enhance client service and industry-focused strategies. Keith Wewe addresses the strategic value of proposal and process automation to win new business. Helena Lawrence discusses how experience data can identify new markets and business opportunities, while Rachel Shields Williams invites us to extend the uses of experience management systems well beyond the marketing department. In each article, the value of aggregating data into one platform becomes clear. When firms turn to one trusted source for client, maer, and people experience, they can collaborate more efficiently, identify and win new business opportunities, and grow deeper client relationships. by Cindy Thurston Bare, Keith Wewe, Rachel Shields Williams , and Helena Lawrence 48

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